Tuesday, December 02, 2008


My female owner is in the “stressest period of her academic life”. She has a practical exam on Thursday where she needs to pass all four stations… otherwise she fails the arduous internship (yes, the one where she is being supervised by a CMI person).

She is so stressed, it is NOT funny. Imagine having to cramp ethics principles and guidelines, with diagnostic criteria of various psychological disorders (and knowing how to differentiate similar disorders), with the know-hows of therapy like relaxation training and cognitive restructuring, and tricks to deal with process issues like resistant client, non-compliance with homework etc… And to apply the knowledge and skills to any population group - children, adolescents, adults or older adults.

And after cramping in so much, you have no idea how you will be tested – written? Oral? Role-play?

My female owner realised fairly quickly that she is a typical Singaporean – she does well in written exams. Oral? Err… maybe back home, she probably aced interviews and trainings but in Brisbane, there seems to be a missing connection between the examiner and her. Role-plays? Evokes the greatest amount of anxiety in her. As if thinking on her bum is bad enough, now she has to respond to a role-player whose sole mission is to bring out the worst in her.

Everyone, please pray that she passes the four stations on Thursday.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook