Sunday, November 30, 2008


Now that my female owner is no longer drawing an income (she hasn’t worked out payment details for her RA job yet), she is living on her mother’s money again. My female owner did a rough calculation of how much of her mother’s money was used since she arrived back in Brisbane in July and it came to a grand total of AUD$900 (which includes $600 rent)! That means that for Semester 2, the only expenses she incurred was firstly, the hefty school fees of $10, 815 and the recent spending of AUD$900. The rest of the time, she survived on her miserly $580/ fortnight (for 13 weeks) pay, which somehow covered comfortably, her $300/fortnight rent, food and snacks, transport and occasional dining-outs!

Wow. It’s true. When you have less, you spend less.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook