Saturday, November 15, 2008


My female owner attended her bible study farewell party today. Her bible study is going to split into two groups in the new year – the working people and the students. Although my female owner is technically a student, she has asked to move to the working group. There are many reasons for that decision which I won’t go into. Takes too long and I wanna sleep early tonight. It’s the weekend you know.

Her bible study group has been a tremendous source of support and stability for my female owner. Although she is always gripping about how young they are, or rather, how conscious she is of the huge age-gap between them and her (and hence, the difference in frequency, interests and needs), she knows that at the end of the day, the group had blessed her more ways than she had blessed them.

Yet, at the same time, she has not developed a strong enough bond to the group. So even though the group is going to split, she doesn’t feel a great sense of loss or reluctance. To her, it is like another stage of life where everyone moves on but still remains largely as friends (or like what some might say, people who leave footprints in your life).

Perhaps 8 months is really too short to feel sad about such things. After all, my female owner and Potahto knew each other as colleagues for more than a year, before they started getting close. Some bonds just need time to develop.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook