Tuesday, November 04, 2008


My female owner has been trying out the strengthening exercises at home and she is happy to note that she is experiencing less pain in her knee now. She still gets the pain when there’s hard impact with the ground (e.g. jogging or running) but thinks that it is lower in intensity. Going up and down gentle slopes is less aching now. She’s not sure if it’s a placebo effect of sorts… you know, like you think you are slimmer just because you ran 2km just now.

The scary thing that came out of the strengthening routine is that she notices that her knee creaks everytime she extends it.. and she can feel things (bones? cartilage?) moving beneath her knee cap. Try to imagine slotting in the wrong key into a key-hole and you can still turn the key but not open the door. It’s that kind of feeling.. strange movements felt and heard in the unseen.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook