Sunday, November 09, 2008


My female owner had a recent experience of being used by God to speak to others.

You see, she was scheduled to share a testimony in her bible study group last Friday. Last Sunday, when she found out that she had to share a testimony, her first reaction was reluctance (because she is anti-social and don’t like to talk about personal issues) and then, bo-pian, knowing that she has no way out, she asked God what she should share.

God told her to share about how He brought her through the healing process from her previous BGR and the biblical lessons she learnt. My female owner was lagi more reluctant to talk about that and she cried (quietly) as she wrestled with God about this. And she avoided preparing for testimony for the whole week, hoping that she might find something else to talk about.

Come Friday, she conceded that she should obey God and at 1800hr, started to organise her thoughts (bible study starts at 1900hr). My female owner couldn’t get the words to flow smoothly and in her struggle, she actually teared. She finally left it half worked out because she felt God saying that He would help her find the words when it was time to share.

And so, she went ahead with the testimony during bible study, saying upfront that she was not willing to share this! Anyway, by the end of bible study, two people came up to her to share about their similar experiences while two others told her that it was a powerful testimony. My female owner was truly amazed at the response.

One of them spoke to her again today and told her that while she was sharing, he felt God’s presence very strongly and that God was speaking directly at him. While his spiritual mentor had not been able to persuade him on certain issues, my female owner’s testimony convicted his heart and caused him to start doing certain things.

Ah, the power of obedience to God. My female owner was stunned at how God had used her (unknowingly, coz she didn’t think that anyone would be impacted by her testimony).

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook