Saturday, December 06, 2008


My female owner apparently turned manic on Thursday, when she received her official results for her practical exam. That PASS signified the harvest of a year’s worth of hard work, sweat, pain, tears, agony, frustration, helplessness, fear and confusion. It also meant that she triumphed over the toughest year of her programme. She is a survivor!

There is an African saying that it takes a whole village to raise a child. My female owner thinks that the same applies to training a psychologist. Reflecting back on the year, my female owner is certainly grateful to many people who accompanied her on this journey.

Some came in the form of cyber cheerleaders who encouraged her to keep going. Others, especially her intimate friends, verbalised their belief in her abilities when she couldn’t see beyond the next assignment. There were Christian brethren who spoke words of wisdom in her times of searching and pointed her back to God, the ultimate source of help and refuge. In addition, countless undeserved listening ears, shoulders she cried on, helping hands and unreturned favours, each in its perfect timing, contributed to that pass.

Never forgetting, her parents who, in releasing her to pursue her dreams at their emotional and financial expense, demonstrated once again, their unconditional love for her AND us turtles! Patiently waiting for her return.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook