Sunday, July 27, 2008

weighty issues

My female owner finally figured out that she can skip better and longer if she shortens her rope. Hence, through much struggle, panting and stops, she managed to complete three rounds of 100 skips. Given the short duration of each cycle, she didnt manage to perspire much but she certainly felt her heart beating faster and her body warmer.

My female owner tried to bring in a weighing scale from Singapore (coz it cost a lot to get one in Australia) but couldnt in the end because her luggage was overweight and she had to sacrifice the non-essentials. Actually she felt that the weighing scale was a huge essential, to her mental and physical well-being at least, but knew that her mother would certainly not agree with her. So anyway, she has decided to use her never-shrinking clothes as a gauge of her weight fluctuations.

Given that her BMI had never been above 20 for the longest time ever, my female owner was shocked when she calculated it again yesterday and found it to be 21.something. Hence, she has set a weight loss goal of 4kg, so that her BMI will reduce to about 20. Now, for those who are good in maths, that's still a net gain of 2kg from her original weight. But she probably learnt not to be so ambitious anymore.

While her clothes are still tight and snug (strange that it's so easy to put on weight but so difficult to lose it. One of my female owner's colleagues used to say "a moment on your lips, a lifetime on your hips")... my female owner is still hopeful that she can lose some weight... somehow...

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook