Sunday, July 13, 2008


It’s yet another hot and sweaty Sunday afternoon. I was taking my afternoon suntan when, surprise surprise, my female owner came home! That’s early. A quick glance at the clock showed that it was only 4pm. Hmmm…

Apparently, she went out for lunch with a meet-twice-a-year-but-still-close fren and after that, came home to spend the day with her parents (of which one is still working and the other sleeping!). Not sure why, but this fren also started talking about how everyone around her is either getting married or having kids and here she is, still single (but attached) and not having much of a career (I think she has changed job about 3-4 times already). Although she felt lousy about her situation, she revealed that she would think about my female owner and feel comforted that she can rely on my female owner to keep her company in her plight!

A second blow to her already bruised ego/ confidence and self-esteem.

The first hard blow was inflicted yesterday (see my previous entry). What I didn’t mention was that Functional Fren asked my female owner whether she spent time with her parents since she had been going out so often. The sudden question was like her conscience screaming out at her. By the end of the conversation (note, it took place at a bus-stop and lasted the most 15 mins), my female owner concluded that:

She’s a lousy and ungrateful daughter because she hardly spent time with her parents (who are the sponsors of her studies). Instead, she kept going out with her friends. She’s the most un-accomplished among her peers (as mentioned, no career, no savings, in great debt, no assets like car or house, no relationship, body load of fats, no talents, no direction in life).

Some of her friends tried to tear down her argument by saying that she would be able to recoup her “losses” in a few years’ time when she graduate (her Onli Fren even scolded her “silly turtle”!). The thing is, my female owner is unable to look beyond her present circumstances. She’s still in the dark tunnel, questioning if all this is worth it.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook