Monday, July 21, 2008


My female owner started school today. She wanted to reach school at 9am to settle some banking matters, but was so exhausted by the previous day that she woke up at 9am instead. This was despite using a new alarm clock, in addition to her handphone!

After 2 weeks in Singapore where “it’s as if she never left”, my female owner figured that she did not miss Brisbane at all because she never felt at home in Brisbane. While Brisbane, in itself, is a lovely place, it offers a different lifestyle and quality of life from what my female owner is accustomed to and she is still trying to find her equilibrium.

Starting a new term, my female owner has set some new goals with relation to her unexpected non-pregnancy-related weight gain. This is her heaviest weight in her 18+++++ life.

  • to exercise 3 times a week (method not firmed up yet -> high chance of failure)
  • to eat healthy food (i.e. no binge-eating of chocolate chip cookies, potato chips and biscuits à easiest way is NOT to buy them)
  • to avoid buying and consuming most things creamy, buttery and sweet (i.e. homecooked or home-baked things are ok -> what a loophole in her resolution!)

Now she just needs someone to be her human conscience. Any takers?


Anonymous said...

Na, thanks! I remember now!!! And how u feeling? Did u gain a lot of weight!!?

Take care dear.

Anonymous said...

hee. after thinking more, I think it was flower's birthday, coz i bought the top after june last year. my weight increased by more than 10% loh..6kg in all. so sad.

My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook