Friday, July 25, 2008


Did anyone ever tell you how gullible my female owner is?

There was once her Onli Fren and her went to a local gym, meaning to redeem a free one week’s trial of gym access. Before going in, they reminded each other that they were not going to sign up for any gym packages.

At the entrance, they were served by a fat, oversized employee who tried to introduce various gym packages. The two of them had always found it difficult to say no to people, even to sales personnel. Hence, they were coaxed and cajoled by the Fat Man who used this powerful line “surely you don’t want to end up like me?”

And the two silly gals actually ended up signing up for a year’s membership, without even seeing the gym’s facilities, equipment or shower rooms! They fell victim to a Fat Man’s persuasive powers at the door-step of a gym! This was despite the fact that my female owner was aware of the various psychological techniques that he was pulling on them (e.g. door-in-the-face) and that all logic points to a NO (e.g. my female owner could get a staff gym package if she waited a while longer). My female owner tried to justify her irrational action by saying that having to pay for gym would motivate (or force) her to exercise regularly. And hopefully, after one year, she would have formed the habit of exercising and hence, would not need to join a gym.

Ya, right. The rest, they say, is history.

1 comment:

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook