Monday, July 28, 2008


My female owner is known among her long-suffering friends to be really blur. Even her father says it of her “blur like sotong”.

So today, before school, she started looking for her tutorial materials (she is a tutor this semester and tutorials are held today) at home and couldn’t find them. She had a vague impression that she brought them home to prepare and decided to check through again, just so that she made sure they were not at home. And that she would not kick herself for not double-checking. Then she left for school, convinced that she had left them in her locker.

And of course, she couldn’t find it in her locker.

She was now not sure where her materials were, but figured that her best bet was to rush home during her one hour break to find them, even though she had already made sure that they were not at home.

She sped home (through chilly weather I must say) and found her materials after two minutes, neatly organised in a file. My female owner couldn’t help but kick herself for her absentmindedness. I mean, who wouldn’t?

In a flash, she remembered that she had filed her materials within a two-minute span when one of her multiple personalities came on (the one who wants to be neat and organised). Alas, her dominant personality which operates best with “organised mess” was functioning throughout the day… until she was home during lunch to find her materials and her other persona came on.

Yeah, her personalities obviously don’t communicate with each other.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook