Monday, June 30, 2008


My female owner celebrated the submission of her sort-of last assignment by taking a break from clinic or school work. As she was walking home from school at about 1130hr, she wondered what she would do to fill up the whole day. She figured that she would tidy her room and finish up reading her book (Life of Pi). At the back of her mind, she suspected that she might spend the whole day on MSN.

She was so right.

She logged on at 1200hr, putting her status as “online” (for the first time in a long long while).

First to say hi was a aikido senior whom she haven’t spoken to since school started. After so many months of non-contact, they indeed had a lot to catch up on.

My female owner seldom initiates MSN conversations, but she decided to pop in a hello to her neighbour and the conversation centred around blogs.

Then she decided to start a conversation with a bible study friend who had always taken the initiative to talk to her. The conversation was fairly short, coz the friend had to go out.

An ex-colleague came popping in, asking about the identity of the person who said the “how the hell” statement. He left after some time.

Another aikido senior (who taught her how to tie her hakama) made contact and while they were talking, the bible study friend announced her return. The conversation with this aikido senior ceased after a long exchange.

Later, the ex-colleague came back to discuss something more serious and went off after the discussion for lunch.

Mr Squabbles whom she had regular but infrequent contact came on to check when she was going back and the conversation centred around meeting up… and drinking. Midway through, an animal-lover ex-colleague (who helped me greatly when I was ill) popped a random message (coz they hardly chat in the first place) to say that his dog is going to give birth soon.

The second aikido senior and a aikido junior then popped in messages together, asking my female owner about Canon in D.

Her MSN tour finally ended at 1900hr. What a difference being "online" makes. Such an eventful afternoon, just sitting at her computer to talk to people. And this does not even include her usual MSN kakis!

After 7 hours, my female owner had succeeded in tidying up a small portion of her room and eating an entire packet of Tim Tams and a meat-pie. In addition, she multi-tasked while chatting and played on her flute for about an hour (more on that in another entry), sneaked an impromptu walk to the nearby stores with her housemate (leaving one of her poor friends stranded on MSN), chatted with Intuitive Fren for a while and made a to-do list (but not accomplishing anything!). She also confirmed that her three aikido friends would be attending training on Saturday morning and she would be joining them! Wow! Finally!!

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook