Tuesday, June 10, 2008


My female owner is coming back to Singapore soon! Yay! And Nanook pointed out that the dates would coincide with our 6th birthday. Cool. That means a Balcony party.

People always say that studying abroad would open up one’s horizons and change one’s perspective of life and things. I wonder if my female owner has changed in any such ways, besides being physically rounder and the knowledge she gained in school.

I know that sometimes she feels as if she has regressed to her undergraduate days. It’s as if she’s given a second chance to relive her life – coping with studies and finding her place in church and cellgroup – and hopefully, achieve a better outcome this time.

Lotsa of her friends have moved on to other stages of life – career advancements (a handful got promoted this year – congrats!), getting married (5 this year, and counting), being first-time parents (5 this year, and counting), new houses (often in line with marriages, but sometimes not) and cars, even changing jobs! Here she is, being dependent once again on her parents for subsistence.

With 2/5 of her life gone and back to square 1, my female owner can’t help but wonder what she has achieved in her life, besides this huge financial debt in going over to Brisbane (and in true-blue psychspeak, she asks herself “what does achievement mean to you?”).

No wonder she feels regressed.

But anyway, my female owner did consider these issues when she decided to further her studies, so I suppose she would, in her usual fashion, make the best out of her current circumstances.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook