Sunday, June 22, 2008


My female owner realised that her emo state is getting out of hand (still within control but just unreasonable). She found out that the plant which she had been painstakenly taking care of and now placed in the balcony on a table, had some of its leaves and stems burnt. Someone had lit some tea-lights under the leaves and the fumes had burnt parts of her plant.

I haven’t had a chance to give an update of the plant, but ever since she started watering the plant everyday, the plant had been flourishing and sprouting new leaves every week. My female owner had also grown attached to the plant and would check the plant daily for any problems.

Being her maiden plant and having developed some form of attachment to it, my female owner was very upset at this unexpected damage to her plant. Putting things in perspective, she knew logically that it was a small issue, or even a non-issue. But being the person she currently is, her emotional response was exasperation: “even something happens to my innocent plant”.

But I guess, being older and more controlled emotionally, she forced herself not to dwell on what she could not salvage/ change and to focus on other things.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook