Monday, June 02, 2008


My female owner finally had the breathing space to sit down to do something which she has not done in many years – plan an exam revision time-table. She has been convinced that she would have sufficient time to cover the examinable material since she has no more classes… until she started to count the number of days available for revision... after subtracting time to meet her coursework deadlines, attend a 2-day research training (?? such bad timing!) and prepare for client sessions and supervision. Her days are really numbered.

What made it difficult to plan is that she does not have a confirmed schedule, since her clients book their appointments only one week in advance. If she had the choice, she would not book in any clients for one whole week. But alas, she needs to clock client hours too.

One thing’s for sure, she is trying to abstain from MSN. So if you need to get in touch with her, just leave her a message on MSN or FB. She would respond somehow.

(actually, I wonder how long she can stay away from MSN...)

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook