Monday, June 30, 2008

sheet music

My female owner had a pretty fruitful day doing nothing much at home. She went around surfing for free flute sheet music and stumbled upon this website

To her, it was the best website offering sheet music ever. The website offers instant download of sheet music in PDF files and music files. What’s more, each song comes in different kinds of arrangement. For example, piano solo, piano and flute, flute and clarinet, string quartet, violin and piano etc etc. And each arrangement has its own midi recording! So you can just play along with the music and pretend that you have a live ensemble! It is relatively cheap too. For a year of membership at USD$37, you get to download as many sheet music and midi recordings as you want. Otherwise, you can purchase by the score. You can also sample the score and listen to the music before deciding whether that’s what you want.

My female owner was so happy when she found this website. Inspired by the sample, she bought a flute solo for Canon in D (she wasn’t ready to commit to a year’s membership… ), her all time favourite classical piece. And had a merry time trying out the piece. (I’m so glad I wasn’t around to hear her trying!! 3.5 years of bad flute playing is enough for me).

Anyway, it's good that she's finally playing some pieces other than her exam pieces...

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook