Saturday, June 14, 2008

study group

My female owner did something which she used to do during examination times. She studied with people. When my female owner was much younger (read: more than 10 years ago), she used to mug for her examinations in public places with her friends. The usual haunts would be fast-food restaurants (secondary school), church (junior college) and school (undergraduate).

Study groups worked really well for my female owner, even though her friends studied different subjects. There was a sense of support and camaraderie as the group worked towards a common goal. Not to mention the strong friendships that formed through those hours of sharing agony.

So anyway, my female owner also had the native thought that by studying in school, she could kill two birds with one stone and limit her access to junk food. Alas, she ended up eating two ice-creams and a pack of chips, courtesy of offers by others. Tsk tsk. Where’s her self-control??

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook