Thursday, June 12, 2008


Things have been very quiet around the house lately. Since my female owner started her MSN abstinence, she has not video-camed to her parents. Her parents are missing her dearly but being the long-suffering, unconditionally loving, ever understanding, never giving up parents, they agreed to MSN her only after her exams.

My female owner takes things to the extreme at times. For example, whenever she had an upcoming flute exam, she would cut off almost all social activities in order to make more time to practice her pieces. That means not going out at night or over the weekend. The only social activities she retained (work still goes on, but then, it's not social), were flute and aikido lessons. She did continue going to church, of course. At times, she would even take leave just to stay home to practice, much to the chagrin of her bosses. She never understood why they had to butt into her private life, since the leave was her entitlement and she completed her work obligations, but yah, they did make an issue out of it (e.g. “you should be concentrating on building up your career within the first three years” ... to “you spread yourself too thinly”)

So yah, this time round, with her exams coming round the corner, my female owner has repeated her behavioural pattern.

One week more!

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook