Thursday, June 12, 2008


My female owner just found herself in a mini crisis. Her Word stopped functioning all of a sudden so she can't read any documents (and some of her notes are in soft-copy..) At almost the same time, she realised that she did not do her previous assignment correctly... and the lecturer is reputed to be a strict marker and one of his pet peeves is the mistake which she shouldnt have made. Since her Word is not displaying anything, that means that she cant figure out how terrible her mistake is. Double whammy indeed.

It been a day of booboos for my female owner. She went to school to meet a client, but they didnt turn up and didnt bother to call the clinic to cancel the appointment. The client was also uncontactable. Strange thing was, the appointment was set only yesterday, at the request of the client! So it was a trip made for nothing, 3 hrs wasted but my female owner couldnt be bother to feel pissed. Such things happen. Then at night, my female owner sent off an email to an unknown person to ask about some church stuff and ended off by quoting the wrong bible study group that she was currently in (the groups are all numbered and my female owner can never get the number right). She only realised her mistake (much to her personal embarrassment) when she was erm...praying. haha.

Maybe she should just end off the day by sleeping early, so that she can recharge from a day of accomplishing nothing much. But with three cups of coffee and a tea in her system... I dont think my female owner can fall asleep easily.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook