Wednesday, June 04, 2008


My female owner lives 15mins away from school (by foot). However, she has picked up the habit of taking the school safety bus home whenever she works late in school. This safety bus service operates at night and sends students right to the door-step of anywhere within the St Lucia suburb. She gives herself the excuses that a) the weather is cold b) she had a long day at school c) she is carrying a lot of books d) why not?

The driver would commit to memory the addresses of his passengers and at his own discretion, decide the sequence he would drop them off. For some reason, tonight, my female owner was dropped off last, although she probably lived the closest.

As usual, something so innocuous jolted her memories of her teenage years in church. At that age, none of her peers had cars and they were dependent on the graciousness of their older friends who had cars to send them home after an outing (either that or they would make their own way home).

Her peers were particularly close to this youth leader who was about 9 years older. Since he lived very near my female owner, she would most often than not get a lift home whenever they went out. With the same token, she would often be the last or second last to be dropped off, given the proximity of her house to his.

That meant that my female owner had lotsa joy-rides during her teenage years (just imagine that she has to go around different parts of Singapore before actually reaching home). It would have been faster for her to make her own way home, but it was the pure distraction-free fellowship that she was after (what else can you do in an enclosed capsule?). Those were the days of youth.

Okay, my female owner tried to recreate that in Singapore, by sending home her friends but it was no longer “pure” or “distraction-free” coz she had to drive, navigate and talk at the same time. Not so easy!

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook