Wednesday, June 25, 2008


My female owner wants a proper break, not physical but mental. She wants to be able to pass each day without

  1. Wondering if her clients will turn up
  2. Wondering if she is able to hit 200hours by December 2008 (about 60 hours so far)
  3. Writing up to-do lists for each day and not being able to check off the items at the end of the day
  4. Fretting about whether she can hit a GPA of 5.5 to upgrade her programme (so far so good)
  5. Wondering if we are ok (cheers! I always knew we have a special place in her heart.)
  6. Wondering if her friends are alright (those who are going through problems)
  7. Wondering if she made the right decision in quitting her job (after so many months, she still can’t come to terms with her decision?!)
  8. Binge-eating (drastic health implications)
  9. Feeling guilty about using her mother’s money
  10. Wishing she can attend aikido training
  11. Wondering what the future holds
  12. Wishing she has more time, to spend with her bible study group
  13. Missing her friends and family
  14. Having to fight the cold
  15. Feeling blue

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook