Wednesday, December 09, 2009


Finally saw my female owner again. A wave of familiarity washed over me as I heard her voice, saw her face and felt her touch again. This is the person who took care of us turtles through our formative years as baby turtles (when we would often overturn in our zest to conquer our world and be able to flip ourselves back up again) through to where we are now, juveniles. Big, heavy but nonetheless still shy and bashful. This is also the person who saw me through my different (impromptu) operations and stuck with me through visits to the pet clinic, even when she was facing enormous work stress and time constraints.

So good to have her back again.

We turtles of course rejoiced at her return. Dodo as usual, was the curious and proactive one. He responded immediately to her call and tried to snuggle up close and personal.

Dona, shy and avoidant, ran away at the slightest threat of human contact but secretly happy to see her again.

Nanook, oblivious and oblivious, wondered if this is the same female owner as before (she’s really in a world of her own!).

And me! Happily observing her from under the shade, crossing my fingers and toes that she would not make any comments about how fat I’ve become. Thankfully I was spared her nagging.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook