Sunday, December 27, 2009

secure base

Now that my female owner has been back in Singapore for about three weeks (so fast!), she can’t envision going back to Brisbane and restarting her engine again. The prospect… is a little depressing, although she suspects that she would get over it pretty quickly once she establishes a routine. For now, her Brisbane friends are largely out of sight and out of mind.

Maybe there’s really no place like the country you grew up in. Tacit knowledge about the country that has accumulated over the years and stays with you wherever you are. Being able to move around freely, with a sense of security and quiet confidence. Knowing that you are never really lost (this stems from her experience in Brisbane where travelling to new places, albeit nearby is highly stressful coz while she might be able to make it there, she might not be able to make it back, due to the confusing transport system and schedule). Having friends from different walks of life, adding to the richness of her life. Of course, family and pets.

Some of her friends have started analysing whether my female owner would stay in Brisbane after graduation or whether she would return to Singapore. A few of them sound confident of her likely decision. How that is so, my female owner has not figured out. Her adventurous spirit (yes, she has one) says not to return (doesn’t mean to stay in Brisbane), to explore possibilities but her logic says to return to the secure base, i.e. Singapore.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook