Sunday, December 20, 2009


I saw my female owner cry on MSN again. She was chatting with a fren whom she hardly spoke to this year and the topic was on self-acceptance. She was also chatting with someone else regarding some friendship issues and a third person, KJK, whom she saw for the first time since he returned to his home country. These three simultaneous conversations (which in my opinion, is a bad idea) interwined like a potent cocktail of alcohol to send her on an emo roller-coaster.

The trigger seemed to be the conversation on self-acceptance. This year was a breakthrough of sorts for her. In her words, this year is the year when she really could accept herself for who she is. And love herself. Her fren would probably not realise how apt her words were, when she said that my female owner is on a journey to being whole. My female owner teared, because she realised that she had come so far since the start of Brisbane09.

No one would be able to understand the victory she is celebrating from or the significance of the victory. Because no one can really understand, no one has celebrated it with her. But then, it doesn’t really matter, coz she knows the difference and celebrates a new life. Everyone, she has moved on. Her psychological clutter has been cleared.


SeaLs said...

*hugs* We'll always be mates! =)

female owner said...

thanks dear. =)

My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook