Saturday, December 19, 2009


World War III kinda erupted at home today. It all stemmed from my female owner’s boredom. Her distant conscience reminds her that she has lotsa housekeeping things to do… but her earthly flesh says “later lah… still got so much time”.

Anyway, so she’s really bored. And she’s really irritated by the clutter she sees around the house. Her mother is a well-known hoarder who keeps random useless things “just in case”. It boggles my female owner’s mind to see how two persons living in a 5-room flat can end up with so much junk that even the corridor leading to the rooms is clogged. Why, my female owner asks, do her elderly parents (or maybe just her mother) need to use 5 shoe-racks?

My female owner couldn’t tolerate the disorganisation any longer and started clearing the fridge and freezer of expired food. Just imagine, the longest expired food was 1996. It was some dodgy looking medicine. Other food items included chocolates from all over the world, unopened tim tams and Darrell Lea, bottles of sauces, dried fruits, breads, cheese, nuts, unidentifiable bits of food, biscuits, alcohol, hardened sweets etc.

My female owner pretty much ignored her mother’s protests and generated three bags of garbage. I must say that the experience, though bearable for her mother, was highly stressful and anxiety-provoking. Naturally, my female owner found it therapeutic and refreshing.


Anonymous said...

my family and I are minimalists. ahhahahahaah


female owner said...

i wish my parents are like that!!! so traumatising you know!

Anonymous said...

every family is dsyfunctional... it's ok... :)


My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook