My female owner has been hiding recently. On MSN that is. After a harrowing week of client terminations (the other family had to stop due to financial constraints), trying to reach potential clients for more than a week (sounds like insurance agent) and learning that her parents-client separated (so drama!), she’s just so not in the mood to chat.
It’s the high stress/ anxiety period where everyone’s trying to complete their assignments, clock client hours and prepare for exams.
During bible study group just now, someone shared about studying for exams and for a short moment, maybe 10 seconds, my female owner heard herself asking herself (yah I know, sounds as if she has spilt-personality) why she put herself in such a situation (being stressed over exams) again. What was so bad about working that she gave up a relatively carefree life to pursue something so restrictive?
Ah, she stopped herself from ruminating further to prevent a downward spiral into depression. Just to procrastinate doing work, she decided to do a stock-take of what she has to complete before she can fly home.
29 May – Triple P role play assessment (30%)
30 May – One video-recording of a CBT session to be assessed by supervisor for a pass (unable to do for the moment since she has no adult client - need to get an extension)
30 May – Written critique of the above mentioned video (pass/fail)
2 Jun – Case formulation essay (60%)
5 Jun – Case study essay, based on an adult intake interview (40%)
16 Jun – Triple P exam (40%)
17 Jun – Psychopathology exam (60%)
30 Jun – Ethics essay (50%)
Clinical work:
6 Jun – Mid-internship review (pass/fail)
23 Jun – Multi-Station Assessment Test; 3 stations; formulation, assessment and therapeutic processes (although it’s pass/recycle, if you fail twice, you need to repeat the internship)
Weekly group supervision – no stress
Weekly individual supervision – high stress
Record keeping of weekly supervision
Record keeping of clinical practice (not done since day 1)
Core competencies to sign off (not done since day 1)
Internship folio – to be updated on-the-go (not much done so far)
Remaining supervision hours to clock: 21hrs (29hrs clocked so far)
Remaining client contact hours to clock (in 6 weeks – impossible!): 66hrs (34hrs clocked so far)
Not to mention, session preparation for each of the 66hrs
End-internship review (pass/fail)
Keep those chocolate chip cookies coming! She needs all the energy and comfort food she can lay her hands on to stay sane and alive!
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