Thursday, May 29, 2008


My female owner believes in listening to social feedback (acting on it is another matter altogether). She received one today, or rather, she received one which she was expecting to get.

Being low on clients, she had time to pop into her host's office for a short chat. They haven't met each other for almost 2 months, since the time her host met her to pass her the car. My female owner wondered if her host will say anything about her putting on weight.

Sure enough, one of the first few things she said was "wah, you put on weight!" If that sounds familiar to you, that's because my female owner's auntie recently said the same thing to her too. That double confirms what my female owner has been noticing about her rounder than round face. I think this is the roundest my female owner ever became, coz her cheeks are so chubby, that it's affecting her speech. Too chubby to talk.

Oh well... no use whining about putting on weight. She probably needs to do something about it, something that does not involve snacking... Otherwise, when she comes back to Singapore, that's the greeting she's going to get from her friends and family!

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook