Monday, May 26, 2008


My female owner finally had a chat with one of her professors today. This professor is an interesting character. Everyone is scared of him. He’s an Asian who speaks in a non-Aussie slang (my female owner does not know which country he is from but his aura certainly reminds her of her flute teacher - better not step on his toes). For this reason or otherwise, most Aussies hate his teaching style while most Asians like his style. My female owner, of course, likes his style.

My female owner found out through the chat that most of the clinical psychologists in Singapore whom she knows or worked with before, were once his supervisees.

My female owner has been in a fix over what she wanna research on for her thesis (yes, on top of her current back-breaking workload, she has to think about her thesis topic). She wanted to do something with adolescent psychopathology but not many lecturers specialise in that area. The only person available proposed a super tedious research methodology that involved watching and coding video recordings of real clinical sessions. However, this project has the potential to make its impact internationally, due to the subject matter.

At the same time, she also wanted to do something more Asian (to make herself more marketable should she return to Singapore to work). That would mean working under this professor. My female owner has nothing against this professor but am just wondering if she should just follow the crowd and get him to be her supervisor.

Upon hearing her sharing, the professor told her in a cryptic yet direct way that “your goal is to complete the course in three years. The research topic doesn’t matter. It’s the process that matters”. Hmmm…

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook