Friday, May 23, 2008


My female owner’s anxious client terminated on her today. He called up the clinic to leave a message for her.

I suppose it’s hard not to take it personal whenever a client terminates on you. It didn’t help that the clinic secretary gave her a stern look as she passed the message to her.

Was it something you said or did during the session? Or was it something you should have said or done which you didn’t? Or was it some client factor like motivation or some extenuating factor like lack of finances?

My female tried to remind herself not to take it personal, coz there could be a whole host of reasons for client termination. However, it would still be important to do some self-reflection to see what she can learn from this experience. I know that there are a lot of things she would have done differently if she had the chance to redo the two sessions she had with him.

As a matter of practice, she called the client (crossing her fingers that he would be willing to talk to her) to check on him. His reason was “I’m feeling much better” already. In his usual sweeping style, he said that he was “taking control of his destiny” and taking steps to get a job.

Then it dawned upon her that there was a similar instance in the past when he tried hypnotherapy once and he discontinued after 2 sessions (out of 4), because he “felt better”. A way of rationalising to help herself feel better?

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook