Thursday, May 08, 2008


My female owner reports having problems sleeping. Oh no. She had been mentally exhausted by today (it’s only Thursday!) and wanted to turn in early to get some mental rest. The week has been another mad rush where she hurried from class to class and client to client. With so many varied assessments and assignments, she found herself carrying heaps of books, reference materials and manuals from home to school and back to home. Her client session notes were flying in all directions and her locker was (or is?) filled to the brim with the above mentioned things.

She knew that she could not get any work done tonight, when 1) her vision starting swimming and she couldn’t focus her eyes to read her book in straight lines 2) her fingers couldn’t type out the words she had in mind. She tried sleeping early but was unable to. In other words, she was too stoned to do anything properly but unable to sleep. Her eyes were heavy and her body in screensaver mode. Ah, I think she needs to go and find something brainless to do.

Like binge-eating?

Nah, she’s probably too zonked out to find food.


Anonymous said...

Babe, hang in there. rem your relaxation exercises!!


Anonymous said...

thanks babe! i enjoy the clinical work, but the coursework (assignments, assessments, examinations) is slowly strangling me.

My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook