Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Remember the 5-liner email my female owner’s brother sent her?

My female owner replied with a 500-word email (see the stark difference between siblings?!) on the same day.

8 days later (on Monday), he replied with a 7-liner email.

My female owner with another 500-word email (its purely coincidental, approximate lengths of both replies). She expected a reply few weeks down the road. Surprise, surprise, he replied late Monday night, with about 12-lines.

Wahaha. He’s really improving eh. My female owner’s mother used to compare their personalities and said that he’s the introvert whereas my female owner is the extrovert. But since my female owner is really an introvert (she doesn’t like big groups very much and would exhibit some social avoidance behaviour at random times), her brother must be really the introvert of introverts.

He never really paid much attention to us, when he was living at home. We turtles kinda shared our Balcony (how generous of us!) with his guinea pigs and single hamster. He had three pigs. For some reason, he bought two males and one female. You can imagine how traumatised the female pig was. She was proliferating like crazy! The baby pigs were cute, but we turtles were never allowed to go near them. Oh well. The mother pig eventually died at childbirth.. right in the middle of our Balcony!

Anyway, my female owner was really happy to be on “talking terms” with her brother. To begin with, two introverted siblings meant that they hardly talked. The huge age gap also made it difficult for them to find common grounds. But then again, there are mixed-sexes siblings who get along really well. I heard that her decision to enter into a relationship with my male owner created a great rift between them years ago, coz her brother was harsh towards my male owner and my female owner felt slighted.

So you see, that relationship really cost my female owner a lot in terms of family ties, time, mental health, spiritual walk, friends maybe, wasted opportunities (but without the relationship, there won’t be us and you won’t be reading this!). For instance, she delayed going for her postgraduate studies for my male owner and even changed church to one which my male owner felt comfortable in.

Back to the siblings. My female owner used to think that the only time they would communicate would probably be when something bad happens to the family. She was sort-of right. Christmas 2006, her mother was rushed to the hospital and that was when they spoke more than 2 sentences to each other. After that, it was back to baseline.

Perhaps coming here, across two continents, this would be the beginning of the healing for both of them?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

not talking to siblings can have its pluses. My bro didnt even talk to me to scold me after I spoiled his computer leh! I think we need family therapy!


My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook