Monday, January 21, 2008

missing these

Another chapter of my female owner's life ended unceremoniously today. This time, it's her job of 3 years, 1 month and 13 days (not counting the remaining days where she would be clearing leave). And I realised too that she seldom talked about her work. Rather, she often spoke about the great friends she make through working at her current (or former?) workplace. She often said that the best thing that came out of the job was the friendships that she formed with several people.

Well... still... she managed to come up with some things which she would miss.

i) Continuous training in the area of counselling (her favourite field)
ii) Endless supply of titbits (somehow there was always budget for that)
iii) The "I will go all the way to help you, simply because we are part of the same organisation" culture (my female owner is a major beneficiary of this culture!)
iv) Spontanteous email chats with people from other departments
v) The "hey! what are you doing here?!" greeting when meeting people she had not seen for a while at major events (makes you feel that you are surrounded with friends)
vi) The various social activities like retreats, parties, visits to external places etc.
vii) Jargon/ humour that no one else will understand
viii) Corridor chats with various people

I guess there are some more, just that she can't recall them now. Wait a few weeks, when absence makes the heart grow fonder.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook