Thursday, January 10, 2008


My female owner is busy writing cards these days, to give to some of her friends before she leaves. She embarked on Ops Cards by first drawing up a list of names to write cards to. After this, she went shopping all over for suitable cards. Finally, the painful process of writing personalised messages to each friend. With 15-20 mins spent on each person and more than 50 cards to write (she stopped including names at number 56, coz that's the number of cards she has), I think she's in for a hard time!

Personally, if you ask me, I don't think writing cards are necessary. I mean, it's not as if she's going to be gone forever. Even if she's physically gone, she will still be hovering around online (you know that she's addicted to MSN!). So why bother writing cards to say goodbye? Dodo doesn't agree with me on this. He thinks that it's a nice gesture to write cards to show appreciation to people for all that they have done for you. Sometimes, I wonder if he's gay.

Anyway, back to my female owner. I think she's getting depressed writing the cards, coz firstly, it reminds her of the people and experiences she's leaving behind, secondly, she feels as if she is saying her last words to her friends before she fizzles out from the surface of the earth and thirdly, she wonders if her friends would throw away the card after one read (some are young boys ah).

That's why I say, don't write cards.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook