Sunday, January 18, 2009


Her Functional Fren told her through sms today “u r 2 trusting”.

Ouch to the correct assessment.

Must have been a continuation from a conversation they had the night before. My female owner had reacted with an incredulous look on her face (i.e. she couldn’t contain her reaction) when she realised that he had bluffed her about something. He, in turn, was shocked that she believed him (hence, it was clear that whatever he was claiming was just a joke but my female owner took him for his word). Although my female owner was quick to dismiss that joke (I can’t think of a better word to describe that piece of inaccurate information), she blurted out “why would anyone lie about that?” For the first time since she knew him, her Functional Fren apologised profusely.

Being too trusting has been one of my female owner’s Achilles’ heels. Other close cousins would be being too accommodating and indecisive. When she was a child, my female owner’s auntie once told her that she was too naïve. Twenty years later, my female owner is still naïve and gullible. Her preferred style of relating to people is with sincerity and truthfulness. That’s why my female owner hates to make small talk with strangers or diplomatic conversations with people she don’t like. She hates having to put up a front and would rather just skip such interactions altogether.

How does one learn not to trust others too much? How does one stop giving people benefit of the doubt? How can one learn to be firm and decisive in light of conflicting observations, evidence and gut feeling? Why can't people relate to one another in truth and honesty?

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook