Tuesday, January 20, 2009


My female owner has boundary issues. She thinks that Facebook makes it even harder for her to manage those issues. Being “tao” and passive, she hardly requests to be added to people’s accounts. Majority of the people on her FB took the initiative to add her and my female owner has her fair share of dubious requestors.

  • The colleague-turned-insurance-agent who resend his request after being ignored once [ignored, again]
  • The ex-boyfriend [ignored]
  • The old church-mate of her younger days whom she doesn’t remember knowing and who sent her a FB message to confirm my female owner’s identity [accepted]
  • The ex-boss [accepted, on good terms then]
  • The young daughter of the third most powerful man in her previous workplace whom my female owner was tasked to help in her research on psychology [accepted]
  • The research coordinator of a project she participated in Brisbane [accepted, to prevent awkwardness]
  • Someone from my female owner’s JC but she has no idea who she is [neither accept nor ignore]
  • The JC class-mate who never failed to be the topic of discussion at every gathering (without her knowledge of course) [neither accept nor ignore]
  • People from her first church whom she doesn’t really know or whom she is sure she doesn’t know [neither accept nor ignore]

And the latest, an ang-moh forensic expert who once trained her ex-colleagues and her in possibly criminal profiling or something. My female owner cannot remember. [neither accept nor ignore]

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook