Sunday, January 11, 2009


Dodo bit me today. It came as a shock to my female owner who termed Dodo as her “most agreeable turtle”. She responded in the typical Singaporean parenting style. She hit Dodo on his shell to communicate her disapproval. I was quite shocked too, I guess Dodo was just hungry and he saw me as a potentially yummy meal. Fattened and overflowing with goodness. I forgive him.

My female owner was actually in the midst of giving all of us turtles a full body scrub. I’m serious. She used to do that before she left. Armed with a toothbrush and tender hands, she would scrub us turtles from head to toe, top to bottom, limbs to shell and make us all shiny and sparkling clean. Takes some guts coz the grouchy among us would sometimes snap at her.

We turtles hate the process, coz it is nerve-wrecking, uncomfortable and ticklish but the outcome of a full body scrub is always refreshing and liberating. Ahh.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook