Monday, January 25, 2010


And so, it was the most hilarious farewell ever.

A short while before my female owner was due to leave Singapore, Mr Walking Contradiction boldly announced that “you sure cry one” when it is time for her to leave Singapore. My female owner obstinately said he was wrong, she was confident that no tears would be shed.

Come Wednesday afternoon, the day she was due to leave. Mr Walking Contradiction met her for an afternoon dessert. On the way back to her house, he played a song “Goodbye” for her in the car. Because it was in a different language, he translated the lyrics as the song was played. It was so hilarious, the funnie tone he used and the misfit of the lyrics (coz it was about two lovers), that my female owner started going into pits of laughter. Mr Walking Contradiction also started laughing.

Alas, as her house drew nearer, my female owner felt a wave of sadness coming over her. Although they had been friends for a few years, my female owner reckoned that the happenings of this holiday had drew them even closer and brought them into a deeper understanding of each other. Having been greatly blessed by Mr Walking Contradiction’s friendship and company, my female owner started to cry for having to say goodbye to him (he was so right).

But Mr Walking Contradiction kept up his funnie translation antics (apparently, the song was so long) and my female owner ended up laughing and crying at the same time. To the point that he looked at her in shock and wondered if she was crying tears of laugher or crying tears of sadness. Methinks he never really figured it out. Exasperated, he finally said “you are the Walking Contradiction!”

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook