Monday, April 20, 2009


My female owner feels vulnerable as she crafted an email and sent it off to her group leader. She could have sent an sms which would have reached him immediately but as always, she wants to leave the back door open, in case there is a chance to make an escape (i.e. there is a chance that the email won’t reach him, yah?)

Yah, the nonsense that God has to put up with. Watching her come up with childish antics to stay within her comfort zone although she is fully aware that it is time to move on. To let the Shepherd lead her out of her stuckness into the life He has intended for her.

Having been the catalyst during the conference, her leader knows her issues and says “anytime you are ready, no pressure, I wait for the good news”.

Her desperate spirit says “it is time, you said this is the year of dedication to God”.

Her stubborn flesh says “NO! What if…., It is strange to be non-depressive (?!)..”

Praying with her recently, a group member says, “I see a vision of you trying to draw the blueprints of your life and getting frustrated. God wants you to stop trying to take control, and allow Him to draw the blueprint for you.”

Prompted by the Holy Spirit, her I-fren says, ”reflection must be followed by reaction… your group members can tackle the issues of the heart and spirit”.

The Holy Spirit says, “Will you take the step of faith?”

Seeing how all the different pieces fit together, with the Holy Spirit being the centre, she sent off that email (as usual, passive, but better than nothing, baby steps...).

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook