Saturday, April 25, 2009


My female owner had a long chat with her Potahto Fren today. It was a pleasant surprise, as the two of them had not been communicating much. Their friendship is at a stage where their mutual online statuses provide a “comforting cyber presence”, without evoking any acknowledgement from either party.

Potahto Fren asked about my female owner’s current state of being.. . coz my female owner sounded so reflective of late. As succinctly as possible (not my female owner’s strong point), my female owner tried to give a summary version of her life, post-conference. The current status is that she is wavering on her decision to proceed with getting some help from a particular person (whom she never spoken to in her life).

As always, my female owner was enlightened by Potahto Fren’s therapeutic line of questioning, with the most revelational (or exasperated?) comment being “surely getting some help is more important than who does it?” It certainly pays to have clever frens around. They help you to see things in better light.

Hmmm… the next difficult step (of faith).

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook