Thursday, April 16, 2009


Has been almost a decade since my female owner attended a church camp wholeheartedly, and not only that, went away being refreshed and recharged.

My female owner used to attend church camps with her ex and together with many/ several others, they would skip almost every teaching session and find their own entertainment to while their time away. Needless to say, the group of skippers gained nothing much from attending church camps.

This time, my female owner attended the annual Oceania Convention held over the Easter weekend at Philip Island. Altogether, there were about 850 attendees, coming from different parts of Australia and New Zealand. Their love and hunger for God rubbed off my female owner as once again, after such a long time, she returned to her first Love.

My female owner received several breakthroughs in her life. She said that it is too long to tell everything so this will be brief (I hope). Most significantly, God brought to surface, a deep-seated issue which she had not discussed with any mature Christian before. Through God’s gentle nudging and persistence from a leader, my female owner opened up for the first time in her life and began the process of healing and restoration of past hurts and experiences.

My female owner also received a greater revelation of what living by God’s words meant, as she began to find answers to some of the questions she had been pondering over. In addition, she was encouraged by the love overflowing from her bible study group members and the Christian community spirit among the church members. It was almost like heaven on earth, as everyone came together with one mind and spirit, simply to spend time in God’s presence to worship Him, learn more about Him and pray for one another.

Through the four days of intense spiritual immersion, my female owner was challenged and convicted by God to strive towards greater spiritual growth. She says that the best thing about God’s leading is that it is not followed by condemnation or guilt, but a sense of freedom and victory from the strongholds that once held you down.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook