Friday, March 21, 2008

song revisited

It's Good Friday! For some unknown reason, it comes really early this year. Hence, the mid-term break for students starts after only 4 weeks in school.

Anyway, my female owner is quite surprised that Good Friday appears to be a non-event in Australia. In Singapore, there would be nightly services in the week leading up to Good Friday (where of course, there would be morning service). Seems like Easter is more important. Commercially, the shelves are lined with all kinds of Easter goodies - mainly chocolate eggs in all sizes (but same shape!), some chocolates shaped like bunnies, soft-toys, cards. Families gather on Easter for a meal and organise Easter Egg Hunts for the kids.

This Good Friday, one song pops up as being very meaningful for my female owner - Who Am I? On the last day she had to leave Singapore, my female owner went back to her former church (which she left a few years ago) for the morning service. Her Onli Fren had invited her back (and she made it, despite being out late the night before). Coincidentally, her husband was leading worship and had chosen this song. At that time, this song was just another "nice to hear, good to sing" song. That's partly because my female owner was feeling emo at that time, especially when the phrase "here today and gone tomorrow" kept appearing on the screen before her eyes (ya, she's that literal at times).

But now, the lyrics make great sense to her.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook