Wednesday, March 18, 2009


My female owner claims that she is emotionally void and cold but if you ask me, she is really soft-hearted and soaks up emotions like a sponge. Today, she attended 4-hour long lecture on grief and loss and a 3-hour long class on domestic violence, and this was enough to make her feel emo for the rest of the day.

The emotionally-loaded subject matters pressed hard upon my female owner’s heart, as she reflected on the real-life impact that loss and/or domestic violence have on individuals. This is no longer theory for her. Loss is a universal experience for all human beings. Human beings know it intimately but do not really fathom it. When my female owner first came over to Brisbane, she was probably grieving over many losses without realising it then. Now her emotional reactions make sense to her. They even seem justified now.

Learning about domestic violence and in particularly, examples of physical, sexual and psychological assaults that a man usually inflict on his partner, she realises too, unsurprisingly, that she was probably a victim of domestic violence in her previous relationship, having experienced various forms of psychological insults. How silly she had been, to put up with a man’s nonsense for so many years. No wonder people say she is a tolerant person.

From a professional angle, learning new materials also led her to realise how little she knows and how unskilled she is, in dealing with human problems and issues.

Coupled with other issues and school hassles, my female owner is not in the most chirpy of mood. However, like a man, she is able to compartmentalise her feelings and obligations. Hence, after a long day in school, she went for a home-grilled steak party and thoroughly enjoyed her dinner (prepared entirely by one guy!!! so talented. Had her favourite fries too.) cum movie marathon cum warm fellowship with some of her church friends.

Maybe the day was not so bad after all.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook