Saturday, October 11, 2008


My female owner finally went jogging tonight, after procrastinating for 11 days (she was supposed to start on 1 Oct) and not running for a few weeks.

It was a hard run for her, even though the distance was shorter than what she used to cover. And yes, in case you are wondering, she didn’t suddenly turn over a new leaf and go on her own accord. She was jioed by her usual jogging kakis.

Running with them had always been a good experience for my female owner. Although they were fitter than her and obviously able to run faster and cover greater distance than her, they would run along side her to encourage her to go faster and longer. No matter how much she whined about the cold weather or not being able to run anymore, they would still meet her at where she is (patiently and without condemn), to challenge her to stretch herself. The run never fails to end with a word of affirmation.

That’s the power of encouragement, it can help someone to go beyond what she thinks she can do, to achieve more than what she believes she can reach.

Go encourage someone today.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook