Saturday, May 30, 2009


My female owner is in her withdrawal mode these days.

She hasn’t really spoken to her housemates for days (maybe only three lines?). Traditionally, she does not really communicate much with housemates (no thanks to her upbringing where she hardly speaks to her brother). I think she has a big personal space radius. In fact, she would rather close her room door when she is at home, but knowing that they prefer to be “open”, she decided to compromise on that.

This is how she avoided talking or seeing them for days. In the mornings, she either leaves the house before they wake up (during working days) or snoozes in bed until they leave the house. Actually, maybe they are actually snoozing in bed until she leaves the house on her working days!

At night, if she reaches home before them, she will hole up in her room when they arrive home. Although her door remains open, she would not go out of her room until they have retired for the night. At other times, she reaches home late enough to know that they have retired for the night.

Not a very fun or engaging housemate to have, I must say. I think she functions better as a travelling partner, since the duration of close physical proximity is short-term and the common activities are stimulating and non-routine.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook