Wednesday, May 06, 2009


My female owner says that it is harder for a person who has low morale to work than a person who is physically ill. In a split-second decision made last night, she decided to call in sick at her placement today. Not the most glamorous thing to be declaring but my female owner just couldn’t face another day of wandering around and trying to make herself believe that she is doing psychological work. Like what Onli Fren says (after her initial shock, and possibly disapproval), if skipping one day can boost her morale, then why not? For the longer good.

This is also in line with my female owner's decision to work smart rather than work hard. So, rather than clock long hours doing work (i.e. "work hard"), she is trying to strategise and rearrange her work so that she can achieve more in a shorter time. Not sure how working smart is connected to skipping work, but apparently, my female owner thinks that going to work today is a waste of time as she can make up the missed "clinical hours" another time by clocking more hours within a day. Something like that.

And so, my female owner woke up today feeling like a little caged bird being set free for a day. She spent the day working on her 3000-word assignment on domestic violence and sneaked in a 2-hour break to try out a curry veggies recipe. Yes, no cheat sauce involved. She’s reportedly quite pleased with the outcome.

1 comment:

流浪汉 瑜伽 Yoga Tramp said...

nice blog n foods, hai friends u r invite to my blog, i want share my yoga lifestyle to u, tkh

My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook