Thursday, September 18, 2008


My female owner did a “psychometrically validated” personality inventory recently. It is supposed to be un-pop psychology i.e. used in clinical settings for therapeutic purposes.

Being a true-false inventory, she found it hard to answer some of the questions. Anyway, she wanted to know if she had any personality problems (especially after her Functional Fren told her that she was emotionally dependent).

The long and short of the results (actually, I would say “long” coz she had to hand-score the results and it took her an hour) was as she suspected: some clinical personalities of concern. One of them is as Functional Fren said, dependent personality. A few other dysfunctional personality profiles showed up too.

My female owner was so traumatised by the results that she contacted Functional Fren straightaway (through mobile, not MSN, that's how shocked she was) to get some perspective (is that a sign of emo dependency?!?!)

Functional Fren asked her how the results impacted her.

My female owner said that now she hated herself.

Oh dear… the perils of having insider access to psychological measures.. You find out things you wished you never did..and there’s no one to debrief you on the results.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook