Monday, September 22, 2008

My female owner finally returned from her weekend escapade to the Gold Coast. She had been to the Coast earlier this year. This time, she drove down with a friend and stayed at her friend’s boyfriend’s apartment.

News have it that my female owner had a great time, mixing work with play and therapy. She also learnt to cooked a couple of dishes!

Raw ingredients for a casserole dish

Casserole in the cooking

The dish has to be baked for the cheese to melt

It's super yummy!

Breakfast at a Italian bakery

Look at the double-yolked egg!

Dutch pancakes, costing a hefty AUD8!

Chasing the morning rising sun. At first they couldnt see the sun, so they just took photos of the morning hue.

Then, on the way back, they found the sun rising from the horizon! It was red and round.

And she breathed out a ball of fire...

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook