Saturday, September 06, 2008


My female owner was traumatised today. She had supervision with her new clinical supervisor (yes, on a Saturday). Maybe I should give him a name, so that people don’t get confused. So let’s call him S2 (for supervisor number two).

My female owner’s latest anxious client told her that he started feeling anxious ever since his girlfriend told him that she had a one-night stand with a male acquaintance before they got together. That set off a series of negative feelings like betrayal, anger and anxiety.

Before I go off-track again, let me just say that the long and short of it is that, S2 recommended that my female owner takes a full sexual history from this 23-year old client, since he is presenting with sexuality issues (I shall leave out the details).

Yes, she felt as if she was being sent into the lions’ den. So S2 role-played the session with her being the client. Awkward questions indeed.

When did you recall having your first w_ _ dream? What happened after that? Did you try to hide the sheets or did you tell your mother?
Did you remember mast_ _ _ _ _ ing during high school? (my female owner had to step out of role to ask S2 what the typical answer was)
What about p_ _ _ ography? What kinds did you see? How often?
What did you do with your first girlfriend? Even though you never had sexual intercourse with her, did the both of you engage in f_ _ _ play, such as you touching her genitals and vice versa? What about o_ _ _ sex?

And the questions went on, fast and furious.

I think my female owner is very traumatised, because she jumped at the word "intimacy" just now, when someone used that word to ask her a question.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook