Saturday, April 12, 2008

potahto power

Potahto found my female owner online today and sounded her out on the latest happenings. My female owner became more and more pissed as she rattled on about her grouses (according to a personality test which she once took, my female owner is High on neuroticism, i.e. very EMO). But at the end of that mini counselling session, she felt more calm and settled, even though nothing about the situation changed. Must have been such a great release for my female owner - to be able to share what's on her mind/ heart with someone who, without having to say too much, identifies with her struggles and understands the context of things.

Potahto always claims that she's lousy at counselling and hates doing it, but somehow, my female owner never fails to benefit from her counselling.

Potahto power!

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook