Monday, February 09, 2009


And so history repeats itself, in a way. Slightly more than a year ago, my female owner spent her last night in Singapore wondering what the future holds in a land she never visited before. Having survived one year and celebrated many successes along the way, my female owner is still feeling the same kind of apprehension, fear and insecurity as she did a year ago before she left.

It doesn’t comfort her to know that she has “been there, done that”, and that the second year is reputed to be much easier than the first. It doesn’t warm her heart, to know that much as she is leaving behind good friends in Singapore, there are friendships in Brisbane waiting for her to rekindle, invest and cause to blossom.

It makes her upset, knowing that she is probably unable to return to Singapore till the end of the year. One year away from her loved ones. Still the same her, depressive, reluctant and lost… wondering what she got herself into. Somehow, having said goodbye twice doesn’t make it any easier..

The emo side of her wants to quit and remain in Singapore, because her heart is here. The logical side of her (fortunately, this side is usually stronger in crucial times.. except in the department of BGRs) knows she has to move on with her life and to complete the journey that she has chosen to start.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook